This time I got to drive a USF 2000 car with the Exclusive Autosport team at Barber Motorsports park. I can't wait to hopefully appear at the first race of the season after completing a test here. My favorite track on iracing is the Nürburgring and the twists, turns, rises and falls nearly reminded me of it as some parts of the track went up at enough of an angle to where it was as if the track would disappear. I also got to see some family members who have begun to get interested in racing and I can't wait to see what 2021 has to bring for us!
USF 2000 At Barber Motorsports Park
Tough start to race 3, good job through out the event though. You took good advantage of a lower grip track in the other races. I saw a lot of positive things given what I could see on TV. 👍 Rich Bissett (Bri’s dad)